Viridian affords sellers a proven environmental liability transfer package - supported by financial and insurance tools - assuring sellers that contamination present at the time of acquisition will be remediated with full regulatory closure.
Selling a contaminated property or site is no easy task, there are significant hurdles beyond the sale itself.
Environmentally contaminated land creates a significant liability for an organization and a community.
We have a track record of successfully ensuring that the environmental contamination and liability are properly and permanently addressed.
Our risk transfer template allows sellers to recapture substantial balance-sheet environmental reserves.
We structure transactions that permit our corporate sellers to capture the market value of Brownfield properties by returning them to productive reuse, while releasing balance sheet liabilities for their remedial obligations.
total acres successfully redeveloped
square feet of redevelopment
total project capitalization
Viridian environmental risk management and liability transfer template assures multiple layers of protection.
This starts with a thorough identification of site contamination with environmental and engineering studies, then working hand-in-hand with the environmental regulatory agency to create a plan for remediation.
Our indemnification to sellers is backed by financial assurances tailored to the needs of each property.
Environmental insurance is procured to cover all parties. Insurance deductible exposures are capitalized in the project budget.
Execute a comprehensive remediation plan that facilitates redevelopment, minimizes long term management obligations, and results in environmental closure.
Clean-up and infrastructure contractors are instrumental to achieve critical performance milestones such as obtaining a "no further action" determination for the site.
Viridian believes it is essential to indemnify sellers and resolve active environmental remediation obligations, prior to sale or transfer to a third party.
It provides corporate sellers a high level of confidence that any transferred environmental risk has been fully addressed.